FAQs for Faculty Members

1- What are the systems currently used in the distance education program and the external study program?

2- If I am unable to access the systems, who is responsible for providing support?

  • (Odus plus) system: Refer to the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
  • Blackboard system: Refer to the Deanship of E-Learning and Distance Education.

3- What is the difference between the distance learning and external study programs?

Distance Education Program External Study Program
Teaching takes place throughout the semester. Teaching is via a preparatory course for only 3 weeks.
Teaching and providing activities to students is done through the Blackboard system. Lectures are delivered through the Blackboard Collaborate system only.
Students are assigned to perform various activities such as assignments, tests, forums, and others, which represent the year's work of (30) grades, in addition to attending the final exam of (70) grades. The student is not assigned any activities but is obligated to attend the final exam out of (100) grades.

4- What is the evaluation mechanism for faculty members in the distance education program and how is it done?

The evaluation of faculty members in the distance education program is calculated automatically, to know the details of this mechanism, please Click here

5-What is the reason that my distance learning course is not included in the courses?

Last Update
11/30/2021 11:01:42 AM