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إدارة العلاقات العامة
الإدارة العامة للمراجعة الداخلية
المركز الإعلامي
إدارة التخطيط والميزانية والمتابعة
الادارة العامة للموارد البشرية
أمانة لجنة العمداء الإستشارية
الهيئة الاستشارية الدولية
التعاون الدولي
معهد الامير خالد الفيصل للاعتدال
إدارة مركز الاتصالات الإدارية
مكتب نائب رئيس الجامعة لشطر الطالبات
عمادة شطر الطالبات
إدارة الخدمات العامة
وكالة شطر الطالبات في رابغ
الإدارة العامة للمتاحف
مكتب نائب رئيس الجامعة للدراسات العليا والبحث العلمي
المجلس العلمي
إدارة البعثات
برنامج الدراسات العليا لطالبات الإشراف المشترك
إدارة شؤون المراكز البحثية
وحدة البحث والابتكار
العلماء المتميزون
المؤتمرات والندوات وورش العمل
إدارة العلاقات الثقافية
مكتب إدارة التحول
مرصد جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز لدراسات الشبكة العنكبوتية
الإدارة العامة لشؤون المكتبات
مكتب نائب رئيس الجامعة للأعمال والابداع المعرفي
ادارة الاستثمار
معهد البحوث و الاستشارات
الإدارة العامة للموارد الذاتية
الوقف العلمي بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
الإدارة العامة للمسؤولية الاجتماعية وخدمة المجتمع
شركة وادي جدة
إدارة العقود والمشتريات
الإدارة المالية
إدارة المستودعات
إدارة مراقبة المخزون
الإدارة العامة للمشاريع
الادارة العامة للدراسات والتصاميم
ادارة الاسكان
الإدارة العامة للأمن
الإدارة العامة للتخطيط والعقود الهندسية
مكتب تحقيق الاستدامة المالية
الإدارة العامة للتشغيل والصيانة
الإدارة العامة للمرافق
الإدارة العامة للسلامة والصحة المهنية
مكتب نائب رئيس الجامعة للشؤون التعليمية
أمانة مجلس الجامعة
الإدارة العامة لتقنية المعلومات
الإدارة العامة للخدمات التعليمية
مركز المناهج التعليمية بالجامعة
وحدة التخطيط الاستراتيجي
كلية الاقتصاد والإدارة
معهد الاقتصاد الإسلامي
كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية
معهد اللغة الإنجليزية
كلية العلوم
كلية الهندسة
كلية العمارة والتخطيط
كلية الطب
كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
كلية علوم الأرض
كلية علوم البحار
كلية الحقوق
كلية العلوم البيئية
الكلية التطبيقية
كلية طب الأسنان
كلية الصيدلة
كلية السياحة
كلية علوم الانسان والتصاميم
برنامج الدراسات العليا لطالبات الإشراف المشترك
كلية التربية
كلية الاتصال والإعلام
كلية العلوم الطبية التطيبيقية برابغ
كلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات
كلية التمريض
كلية علوم التاهيل الطبي
معهد اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
كلية الدراسات البحرية
معهد الجينوم الطبي
معهد العلوم والثقافة الصينية
كليات الفروع
كلية الدراسات التطبيقية برابغ
كلية العلوم والآداب برابغ
كلية الطب برابغ
كلية الهندسة برابغ
كلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات برابغ
كلية الأعمال برابغ
معهد البحوث و الاستشارات
عمادة القبول والتسجيل
عمادة شؤون الطلاب
عمادة التعلم الالكتروني والتعليم عن بُعد
عمادة البحث العلمي
عمادة الدراسات العليا
عمادة الجوده والاعتماد الاكاديمي
مركز أبحاث المياه
مركز دراسات الطفولة - تطبيقي-بحثي-تدريبي
مركز الملك فهد للبحوث الطبية
مركز دعم اتخاذ القرار
مركز موائمة مخرجات التعليم مع سوق العمل
مركز التميز البحثي في الدراسات البيئية
مركز التقنيات متناهية الصغر
مركز الوثائق والمحفوظات
مركز الأمن السيبراني
مركز الأميرة الجوهرة البراهيم للتميز البحثي في الأمراض الوراثية
مركز النشر العلمي
مركز تطوير التعليم الجامعي
مركز التميز البحثي في الإصابات والحوادث
مركز التميز البحثي في الطاقة المتجددة ونظم القوى
مركز التميز البحثي في اللغة العربية
مركز الابتكار وريادة الأعمال
مركز تنمية القدرات البشرية
مركز تعزيز الصحة
مركز الترجمة والتعريب
مركز التميز لأبحاث هشاشة العظام
مركز التدريب والوقاية من الاشعاع
مركز التحول الرقمي
مركز المناهج التعليمية بالجامعة
مركز سمو الأميرة الدكتورة نجلاء بنت سعود آل سعود للتميز البحثي في التقنية الحيوية
مركز الابتكار في الطب الشخصي
مركز التواصل والمعلومات
مركز صنع بيدي
مركز التخطيط الاستراتيجي
مركز ابحاث المخاطر الجيولوجية
مركز الشيخ عبدالله بخش للتميز في الرعاية الصحية لأمراض القلب للأطفال
مركز الشيخ عبدالله بخش للتميز في الرعاية الصحية لكلى الأطفال
مركز التميز البحثي لبحوث الدواء والصناعات الدوائيه
مركز التميز لأبحاث التغير المناخي
مركز الشيخ محمد حسين العمودي للتميز في رعاية سرطان الثدي
مركز التميز البحثي في الانظمة الهندسية الذكية
مركز التميز البحثي في المواد المتقدمة
مركز طب وبحوث النوم
مركز التميز البحثي في تقنية تحلية المياه
مركز الامير مشعل بن ماجد بن عبدالعزيز للبحوث الاجتماعية والإنسانية
مركز المهارات والمحاكاة السريرية
مركز تآلف للاستشارات الأسرية
مركز الطوارئ و الكوارث
مركز المبدعون للدراسات والابحاث
مركز التميز البحثي في الحوسبة عالية الاداء
مركز الخدمات الطبية الجامعي
مستشفى الأسنان الجامعي
المستشفى الجامعي
الجمعية التعاونية لمنسوبي الجامعة
النوادي الرياضية
مركز الملك فيصل للمؤتمرات
مدارس الجامعة
الخيمة الرياضية
الملاعب الرياضية
الوقف العلمي بجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز
صفحة البحث
Deanship of e-Learning and Distance Education
Teaching and evaluation mechanism in the distance education program for the first semester of the year (1443 AH)
Dear faculty members of the distance education programme
We would like to inform you that the evaluation mechanism for the first semester in 1443H, will be as follows:
The teaching mechanism during the semester
One meeting per week to discuss the course according to the schedule.
Three hours courses are 80 minutes simultaneity with a percentage of (44.4%), two hours courses are 50 minutes simultaneity with a percentage of (41.6%), according to the Education Regulation of the Ministry of Higher Education.
First- the evaluation mechanism of the students:
As shown in Table 1, (100) grades are assessed by the student in accordance with the Education Regulations of the Ministry of Higher Education as follows
Semester work
includes interaction with the course instructor through the activities that are presented by the e-learning management system and this represents 30 grades of the total.
Final exam
represents 70 grades of the total.
No less than 25% of the teaching modules of each course are taught simultaneously
No less than 25% of the teaching modules of each course are taught simultaneously and by an interactive method
Mechanisms must be in place to verify and prove the identity of the student when attending the test
The final exam duration must be equal to all the students that studying the same course
A student is denied from the final exam of a course if the student’s absence exceeds three lectures (25%) of simultaneous lectures
A student's denial may be pursued if it is proved that the student presents at (5) five simultaneous lectures and at least (4) four recorded lectures
The deadline for taking attendance for the last recorded lecture is Saturday (20/11/2021)
Table (1) evaluation Mechanism of Student
Interaction through the e-learning management system
Required number
Total score
6 (3 grades for each assignment)
20 (5 grades for each quiz)
Forum related to the subject matter
4(4 grades for the forum)
Total semester work
Final exam
total score
Second - Mechanism for evaluating faculty members:
A faculty member is evaluated based on the following:
The activities (periodic tests, assignments, forum and scientific content) that it provides through the use of various tools in the e-learning management system, and this represents (50%) of the total total.
Commitment to attend all lectures and record them (12 twelve lectures) in the virtual classroom system (Blackboard) on computers (computers) and do not include smart devices (tablets and mobiles), and this represents a percentage (50%) of the total assessment total.
If the number of students is (20) twenty students or less in the study section, there will be no simultaneous lectures that the faculty member registers, and the following is sufficient:
Raising (8) eight activities on the Blackboard system and grading them, which are: (4 tests, two assignments, and one forum, in addition to raising scientific content for the course).
Uploading the scientific course lectures that were recorded in previous semesters on the Blackboard system.
Setting the final exam questions and monitoring its score, and setting and correcting the alternative exam questions and monitoring its score if necessary.
Table (2) Mechanism for evaluating a faculty member
The week
Periodic Test
Course Content
course messages
Total Rating of Activities
Virtual Classroom System Lectures
Overall Assessment
The First (21/1/1443 AH corresponding to 29/8/2021)
add content (1)
Reply to all messages from students
The second (28/1/1443 AH corresponding to 5/9/2021 )
first Assignment
first test
The third (5/2/1443 AH corresponding to 12/9/2021 )
first post
The fourth (12/2/1443 AH corresponding to 19/9/2021 )
The second test
Fifth (19/2/1443 AH) corresponding to 26/9/2021)
Sixth (26/2/1443 AH corresponding to 3/10/2021)
The third test
The seventh (4/3/1443 AH corresponding to 10/10/2021)
The eighth (11/3/1443 AH corresponding to 17/10/2021)
second Assignment
The fourth test
The Ninth (10/3/1443 AH corresponding to 24/10/2021)
The Tenth (25/3/1443 AH corresponding to 10/31/2021)
Eleventh (2/4/1443 AH Corresponding to 7/11/2021)
Twelfth (9/4/1443 AH corresponding to 14/11/2021)
Final Rating Percentage
Rules for presenting lectures in the Blackboard Collaborate system:
The faculty member must create the lecture by himself (synchronous or compensating) on Blackboard Collaborate at least an hour before the scheduled lecture time in ODUS Plus, and it is very important not to change the default name or time of the lecture during creation. If the default name or time of the lecture is changed, it will not be counted for the faculty member.
The number of actual simultaneous lectures that the the faculty member is required to give is (12) twelve recorded during the semester, even if the section is assigned after a period of time during the semester.
The professor of the subject must complete the full quorum for the lectures, which is (12) twelve recorded lectures.
The unrecorded lecture is counted as the absence of the The faculty member, and he is required to compensate for it.
The faculty member cannot give two or more lectures - original, substitute or mixed - in one day for the same scientific course for the same section, and if he does so, only one lecture will be counted.
The professor of the subject cannot record a make-up lecture on the same day for the original lecture of the same section, and if he does so, only the original lecture will be counted. An exception to this is if the original lecture was not presented on time, in which case a faculty member can create a compensating lecture for it on the same day, provided that only one compensating lecture per day is calculated.
The course registration period must not be less than (50) actual minutes, for either the two-hour course or the three-hour course, and if the time is less than that, the recorded lecture will be counted as an absence.
The faculty member must ensure the validity of the recording after it is included in the recordings, and in the event of a defect in the recording (not using the microphone or the absence of the annotated lecture), the recorded lecture will be counted as absent, even if the actual recording period is (50) fifty minutes or more.
The faculty member must ensure that all default meeting entry files that were previously uploaded in the Downloads folder are cleared, and ensure that the correct virtual class is entered by looking at the day and date above; Because if the wrong file is entered, the lecture will not be counted.
In the event of a conflict in the schedule of a faculty member between two or more sections (distance education or affiliation), only one section will be counted, and (absence) will be recorded in the other section or sections even if other lectures are given and recorded.
The necessity of presenting the lectures through a visual or audio explanation for the students.
It is necessary to adhere to the start and end date of the lecture
In the virtual classroom system according to the scheduled dates in the educational affairs system
(ODUS Plus)
، Note that submitting them on a different date will be counted as additional lectures until the maximum number of compensatory lectures is used up.
A faculty member is counted with (3) three compensatory lectures only - a maximum - instead of (3) three absences during the semester.
Saturday has been canceled as a day for make-up lectures as it will be automatically generated based on the teacher's schedule.
The faculty member is obligated to give compensating lectures for the following:
Lectures that have been scheduled and approved on official holidays, such as National Day
Classes that have been scheduled, but canceled due to emergency conditions such as technical failures, failures caused by power outages, or failures caused by inclement weather.
Lectures that have not been scheduled due to faculty members not being accommodated by colleges, which causes delays in scheduling the study material by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, for example: the first lecture in the first week of the semester.
Important instructions to consider:
The necessity to read and approve the teaching approval clauses.
The evaluation is calculated automatically from the beginning of the week
The first of the semester.
The necessity of the faculty member’s commitment to the educational material approved in the electronically developed distance education program published on the e-learning management system, and the addition of files related to the material in the course content.
The necessity of communicating with students by replying to messages sent by them through “course messages” (
Course Messages
The faculty member is prompted to create a contact
Contact Information
)It contains the professor's data and a means of communicating with him during the semester so that it is easier for students to communicate with him.
It is necessary to ensure the presence of students in the division, specifically during the first two weeks of the beginning of the semester by communicating with students synchronously within the virtual classroom, and following up on their activities and performance in it by setting appropriate grades and sending feedback.
The necessity of the faculty member’s commitment to the activities on the dates shown in Table (2), as no activity carried out in one period will be carried over to a previous or subsequent period.
A faculty member should shorten the period of opening exams and assignments or holding them at the time of the lecture, in order to reduce the time for students to use others to solve exams and assignments.
It is necessary to correct assignments, tests and the forum first-hand, and the score of each activity must be monitored before publishing the next activity.
The necessity for the faculty member to be present during the exams, especially the final exam if it is specified electronically, to answer the students’ questions if they encounter problems during the exam. Example: Opening a virtual class on the Blackboard system during the time of the final exam.
It is necessary to alert students that reviewing the recorded lecture must be within a week of recording it (maximum), and in the event that it is not reviewed within the specified period, it will be counted as an absence from the student.
The deadline for submitting lectures is Thursday 13/4/1443 AH corresponding to 18/11/2021 .
Any activities added after Friday 14/4/1443 AH corresponding to 19/11/2021 will not be counted.
The last date for calculating the registered lectures for students is on Saturday 15/4/1443 AH corresponding to 20/11/2021.
The last date for recording grades in the assessment center for the first semester is on Sunday 16/4/1443 AH corresponding to 21/11/2021.
Last Update
12/2/2021 11:49:08 AM