الاختبارات الإلكترونية
Technical requirements for electronic exams system
Technical requirements for the electronic exams system (Question Mark):
- Update web browser (Internet Explorer) to version (11).
- Install (.Net Framework 3.5) on devices.
- Create a user account for electronic exams on the device with Administrator permissions.
- Download the electronic exams application (Electronic Exams - QM) to the electronic exams account via the following links:
- Windows 32 bit
- Windows 64 bit
Mechanism for Preparing a New Computer Lab for Electronic Exams:
This mechanism explains the procedures that must be followed to prepare a new computer lab for the purpose of conducting electronic exams: Click to download (add the file named “Mechanism for Preparing a New Computer Lab for Electronic Exams”).
Last Update
11/5/2023 11:52:30 AM