Teaching and Evaluation Mechanism in the External Program for the First Semester of the Academic Year (1443 A.H.)

Dear faculty members of the external programme
We would like to inform you that the evaluation mechanism for the first semester in 1443H, will be as follows:
  • The teaching mechanism during the semester
    • (3) Three meetings or (2) two meetings per week, according to the duration of one lecture and its scheduling on the (Odyssey) system, bearing in mind that the qualifying session is given over a period of (3) three weeks.
    • Blackboard lectures for students during the period from 19/2/1443 AH to 8/3/1443 AH.
    • Blackboard lectures for female students during the period from 26/2/1443 AH to 15/3/1443 AH.
  • Mechanism for evaluating faculty members:
  • A faculty member is evaluated based on the following:
  • Commitment to attend and record all lectures - (6) six or (9) nine lectures - depending on the duration of the lecture - in the virtual classroom system (Blackboard) on computers (computers), not including smart devices (tablets and mobile phones).
  • If the number of students is (20) twenty students or less in the study section, there will be no simultaneous lectures for the faculty member to record. However, the faculty member must set the final exam questions, monitor his grade, set questions for the alternative test, correct and monitor his grade if necessary.
  1. Rules for presenting lectures in the Blackboard Collaborate system:
    1. The number of actual synchronous lectures that the subject professor is required to give (full quorum) is (6 six or 9 nine recorded lectures - depending on the duration of the lecture - in the Blackboard virtual classroom system) during the semester, even if the section is assigned after a period of time during the semester. In the event that there is a shortage due to the assignment of the section late in the semester, this deficiency will be compensated by requesting compensatory lectures.
    2. The unrecorded lecture is counted as the absence of the subject professor, and he is required to compensate for it.
    3. A faculty member cannot give two or more lectures - original, compensatory or mixed - in one day for the same scientific course for the same section, and if he does so, only one lecture will be counted.
    4. A faculty member cannot record a compensating lecture on the same day for the original lecture of the same department, and if this is done, only the original lecture will be counted. An exception to this is if the original lecture was not presented on time, in which case a faculty member can create a compensating lecture for it on the same day, provided that only one compensating lecture per day is calculated.
    5. The course registration period must not be less than (50) actual minutes, for either the two-hour course or the three-hour course, and if the time is less than that, the recorded lecture will be counted as an absence.
    6. The faculty member must ensure the validity of the recording after it is included in the recordings, and in the event of a defect in the recording (not using the microphone or the absence of the annotated lecture), the recorded lecture will be counted as absent, even if the actual recording period is (50) fifty minutes or more.
    7. The faculty member must ensure that all default meeting entry files that were previously uploaded in the Downloads folder are cleared, and ensure that the correct virtual class is entered by looking at the day and date above; Because if the wrong file is entered, the lecture will not be counted.
    8. In the event of a conflict in the schedule of a faculty member between two or more sections (distance education or affiliation), only one section will be counted, and (absence) will be recorded in the other section or sections even if other lectures are given and recorded.
    9. The necessity of presenting the lectures through a visual or audio explanation for the students.
    10. It is necessary to adhere to the start and end date of the lecture in the virtual classroom system according to the scheduled dates in the Educational Affairs System (ODUS Plus), bearing in mind that presenting it on a different date will be counted as additional lectures until the maximum number of compensatory lectures is used.
    11. A faculty member is counted with (3) three compensatory lectures only - a maximum - instead of (3) three absences during the semester.
    12. Saturday has been canceled as a day for make-up lectures as it will be automatically generated based on the teacher's schedule.
    13. The faculty member is obligated to give compensating lectures for the following:
      • Lectures that have been scheduled and approved on official holidays, such as National Day .
      • Classes that have been scheduled, but canceled due to emergency conditions such as technical failures, failures caused by power outages, or failures caused by inclement weather.
      • Lectures that have not been scheduled due to faculty members not being accommodated by colleges, which causes delays in scheduling the study material by the Deanship of Admission and Registration, for example: the first lecture in the first week of the semester.
  1. Important instructions to consider:
    1. The necessity to read and approve the teaching approval clauses.
    2. It is necessary for the faculty member to adhere to the vocabulary of the educational material approved by the practical department, and to add files related to the subject in the course content.
    3. The necessity of communicating with students by replying to messages sent by them through “course messages” (Course Messages).
    4. The faculty member is prompted to create a contact Contact Information)It contains the professor's data and a means of communicating with him during the semester so that it is easier for students to communicate with him.
    5. It is necessary for the faculty member to be present during the final exam, if it was determined electronically, to answer the students’ questions if they encountered problems during the exam. Example: Opening a virtual class on the Blackboard system during the time of the final exam.

Last Update
12/2/2021 12:17:37 PM