Blended Learning

About Blended Learning

Blended Learning, one of the future plans, is a mode of education that integrates elements of traditional education (face to face) and distance education (online). As a result, it creates a learning environment consisting of a combination of many of the teaching methods and theories of education.

Benefits of Blended Learning
  • Increase the effectiveness of the learning process.
  • Reduce the cost and time needed to learn.
  • Increase student satisfaction with the learning process.
  • Increase the number of students.
  • Increase student motivation for learning through the use of multimedia.
  • Provide multiple learning options for student (traditional education, e-learning or blended learning.
  • Work to improve educational outcomes.
  • Make optimum use of technology to achieve educational goals.
  • Allow students to study and work simultaneously.
Research on Blended Learning at King Abdulaziz University

Measuring Student and Faculty Readiness for Blended and Mobile Learning at King Abdulaziz University (under study).

Last Update
12/25/2014 11:36:57 AM